Friday, August 8, 2008

Childrens asthma journals

ASTHMA UK Scotland is looking for 15-year-old teenagers in South Lanarkshire with the condition to act as ambassadors for the charity and encourage other young sufferers to lead a full and active lifestyle.
In particular, one 15-year-old will be chosen to coordinate innovative activities in their school, sports club or place of worship for other children and young people with the condition, including an event to celebrate World Asthma Day next May.
The successful candidate will receive training and support from Asthma UK Scotland throughout the project and will join a 15-year-old from each of Scotland's 14 health board areas at a party at Murrayfield Stadium in September to mark the charity's 15th birthday.
Shona Haslam, Asthma UK Scotland's national director, explained: 'Scotland has one of the highest rates of childhood asthma in the world. What better way to help address than to encourage young people with asthma to raise awareness of the condition?
'We have recently been running focus groups with young people across the country and one thing we have consistently heard is that they appreciate being able to talk to other youngsters with asthma who understand what it is like, for example, to be bullied because they can't take part in PE.'
Source link:


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